An Introduction to Hitchhiking

We’ve all seen that seemingly crazy guy standing at the edge of the road with little more than a backpack (maybe with a guitar or a sleeping bag too) and a sign that asks for a ride to anywhere. That’s

The Joys of Giving Someone the Local Tour

We don't exactly need to go ranging off into the horizon in order to find that much-needed dose of adventure that we need to survive modern life. Besides, aren’t you just tired of being at the receiving end of everyone

12 Reasons To Travel More

Travel is definitely its own reward. You really don’t need a reason to stand up, buy a plane ticket to somewhere where you’ve never been before and have a new and awesome experience. Nevertheless, there are some fringe reasons why

The Best Languages for Travel

Speaking the local language is one of the most useful tools for fully experiencing your travels. A great part of traveling adventurously can also include fully immersing yourself in the local culture and customs and, although you could do this

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